Marseille in 1940-1941, the series is based on the true story of Varian Fry, Mary Jayne Gold and the Emergency Relief Committee. Risking their lives to help more than 2000 refugees flee occupied France, including many artists, an international band of young heroes and their famous protégés occupy a villa on the edge of the city…
The series is based on the true story of Varian Fly, an American journalist, and Mary Jayne Gold, a wealthy heiress, who rescued between 2,000 and 4,000 Jews and anti-Nazi activists from Marseille to escape occupied France. The official synopsis also tells us that Faced with the omnipresence of mortal danger, unexpected alliances and passionate love stories emerge. The series promises to be as historical as it is romantic.
Based on “The Flight Portfolio”, by Julie Orringer (2019).
MPC Paris’ teams have produced more than 115 VFX shots for this Netflix series composed of 7 episodes and scheduled for release on April 7, 2023